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Monday, May 2, 2011

That didn't last long. Back to normal, though I almost did give Jack regular eyes. It looked weird.

Uh, what was I going to say? Oh, yeah. Why is it May already?

For those of you who just said "OMG I KNO WTF," the answer actually is "because enough time has elapsed for May to have arrived." Dumbass.

- Steve

Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm trying something new today. Today's comic is autobiographical.

If you know me personally, and you go to my school or have spent time at a location I have shared with you, and that location featured elevators.. now you know why the doors have always seemed to close as you ran for them time to time. Also...


In accordance with tradition of the "Challenge Accepted" meme. This one's for those in the know.

- Steve

Friday, April 1, 2011

By the way, there's a Loon page up on Facebook now. Head on over and "Like":

I guess I could put up a button on the website at some point, but, ugh, then I'd have to go log in, and then, like, I'd have to go all the way to the thing and find the code for the button or whatever, THEN I'd have to like, copy, and then PASTE, and update the site, and then I might have to even TWEAK it if it comes out weird, and-

You know what? Stop being such lazy shits and just go to the link I gave you, okay?

- Steve

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