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Friday, February 11 2011

Hey everyone - 100% of people polled have claimed Loon is the greatest thing they have ever seen, and that discovering it was the pinnacle of their lives.

So go ahead and recommend it to all of your friends.

After you're done with that, take a read through my new article, "Why Holding People at Gunpoint Does Not Affect Poll Results"

- Steve

Monday, February 7 2011

Definitely not autobiographical or anything.

- Steve

Friday, February 4 2011

Ironically, my car ended up under a coat of thick ice soon after the last comic.

Fortunately, it was the plate-glass kind that you can shatter easily with your fist while you pretend you're smashing glass. I mean, you do that too, right? No? Haha, neither.. neither do I.

- Steve

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